MEAL OR DEAL? Everything is lighter with OBOLONSKA!

client: Obolon / product: Obolonska. Brand relaunch.

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  • Market situation:

  • For years Obolon (Ukrainian player on beer and csd market) was investing only in beer and alcohol portfolio, water and carbonated drinks were missing opportunity. Meanwhile water category became a huge business with Morshinska (IDS Group) domination. Due distribution Obolonska had fair 5% comparing to 70% Morshinska SOM. Obolonska lack packaging (previous was developed in early 90s ) communication (was never on air), and didn’t have clear positioning.
  • Tasks & Initiatives:

  • Agency/client team developed portfolio strategy and started to work on positioning and packaging update in 2017. Developments lasted for 1 year and in 2018 brand was relauched.
  • Scope of work:

  • Brand positioning, package design update, 360 communication mix development.
  • Our idea:

  • Researches showed that consumer didn’t have any associations with Obolonska (except that it’s district in Kyiv) and doesn’t know what makes it special comparing to others. So our idea was to show it’s water which can fit all Ukrainian tables and help people to eat well and feel well after eating (as it help digestion due minerals).